The Happy Break of Coges Engine

To guarantee a quality service and to make your customers even more loyal, Coges Engine can offer a series of bonus programmable directly from a PC. Among these, Happy Break encourages the final user to purchase a combination of products thanks to a bonus credited directly to his cashless media. All selections made by the user are then automatically recorded by the system which, if it identifies products belonging to the Happy Break menu, will provide a top-up bonus at the end of the purchase. The credit will be made directly to the consumer’s key only if the purchase ends within a certain pre-set amount of time. Do you want to offer a discount on breakfast or coffee break? Or encourage the purchase of some particular products? With Coges Engine you can do this by simply associating the price lines of the concerned products with the specific menu table. In this way you can reward your most loyal customers and promote your location in a smarter way.

Coges Engine: Absolute Vending Experience

The Vending world is becoming increasingly mature and evolved thanks to the presence of more demanding customers, new legislative opportunities and a constantly changing market. Fortunately, there are technological innovation that allows the Operator to satisfy new consumption trend, increase profits and improve its competitive strenght.

For forty years Coges has been dedicated to the design of advanced and performing payment systems for vending, with a range that goes from cashless media such as the MyKey rechargeable keys to change-givers and banknotes readers. Today our flagship product is Coges Engine, a multiprotocol cashless system (Executive, MDB, BVD) compatible with both MyKey keys and Mifire or LEGIC media.

Coges Engine applications go beyond cashless payment to invest the entire vending machine ecosystem. Engine act as the central brain of the system interfacing with cash payment peripherals: it collects all the accounting data, it manages programming parameters and puts everything in communication with the outside, through technologies such as the Nebular platform.

To allow you to know more about what Coges Engine can do to improve your clients satisfaction and to make your vending company more competitive, we have decided to gather under the label “Absolute Vending Experience” some insight on the strenght offered by the versatility and the completeness of this payment system.

If the vending machine is the main technological resource of a vending company, it is often the payment system that makes the difference: a foundamental interface between the vending machine and the user. A professional payment system such as Coges Engine contributes to the excellence of the service provided and, at the same time, represents an essential tool for a correct management of accounting data. Start your journey in the Absolute vending Experience with this brief video by clicking here and find out what makes this system the most suitable for those who want to get the best from the vending potential!

Nebular is even on Youtube

Coges has always been attentive to the quality of your Vending service and, for this reason, it has recently launched on the market some new functions for Nebular, the most intelligent and complete connectivity solution in the vending sector. In this regard you can find, on the company’s Youtube channel, a series of video tutorials created to let you know more about this technology and to help you make the most of all its new potential. Find out how to remotely update the payment system’s firmware, how to make remote refunds through simple clicks and how to manage alarms, prices, products, cashless payment media and much more. Do not miss the opportunity to renew and make your vending company even more technological, take a look at our Youtube channel by clicking here and read the article dedicated to all these new features here. With Nebular 2.0 Coges wants to innovate in a continuous way the vending sector and guarantee to its customers not only a cutting-edge product but a real competitive advantage.

Fulfill environmental requests with Coges Engine and its Eco-recycle functions

The recently published European Directive on plastic has made the environmental responsibility and the correct waste disposal two high priority topics even for the Vending world. Regarding the P.E.T. plastic bottles there aren’t drastic prohibitions, but EU will impose ambitious recycling targets and new manufacturing requirements. EU member states will also be required to take measures able to raise awareness about the correct recycling of this material, such as deposit and bail systems.

The problem of storing waste in the location and the correct start of the treatment process therefore become a necessity for Vending, a need that can be satisfied through compactors and shredders already in the market. These tools offer a great added value thanks to the integration with Coges’ systems: indeed, our company has been offering for some time a technological solution capable of transforming the plastic into an important resource for the vending company through an incentive for final users. In this way they will be stimulated to make a correct recycling process.

The integration between compactors or shredders and the Coges Engine cashless system, compatible with MyKey and Mifare media, makes it possible to satisfy the EU Directive by crediting a bonus to the final users’ cashless wallet for each product recycled in a correct way. The credit that is “refunded” to the user acts as a deposit for the product’s packaging, engaging the consumer in an increasingly ecological behavior and in a smarter management of waste disposal. The integration between cashless readers on the compactors and the Coges Engine payment system present in the Vending machine of the same battery also allows you to credit a bonus only for the waste coming from the same location.

The Eco-recycle functions is already active in Coges Engine systems: use it to reduce space, time and costs dedicated to the waste collection and sorting, to make your location cleaner and tidier and to respond in an efficient way to location and public tenders’ environmental needs.

Coges presents Nebular 2.0 and its new functions

Smartphone, connectivity, Internet of Things (IoT)… we undoubtedly live in an hyperconnected world in which people and technological devices communicate with each other in a continuous way. Connectivity can simplify our lives and improve our work, included at the vending machine: this is the philosophy adopted by Coges with Nebular, the online service that represents the “digital twin” of Coges Engine payment system. Thanks to the long experience of our company in the design of innovative solutions for the vending market, Nebular is today enhanced with new functions to further improve the professional life of the vending Operator. The changes that affect the new version of Nebular are numerous and involve the most essential elements of vending operation: from the programming of payment systems to the credit refund via cloud, through the update of cash systems’ database, the planogram and online product management. Learn more about the topic that interests you more by scrolling down this article or with the new interactive PDF and, if you wish, contact us in any moment for more information.

Technical Portal OnlineRefundProduct DatabaseKeys ManagementDatabase UpdateOpen Payment Platform

The relationship between Coges and its customers continues even after the sale of the product, for this reason we work to guarantee you an efficient management for all your locations. Nebular’s important update takes the technical portal online allowing the creation, the modification and the sending of parameters and configurations to the payment system by remote. It also becomes possible to remotely update the firmware of both the master system and the peripherals and the management of technical faults and alarms by grouping, if necessary, the vending machines according to customized labels and sending to each the changes just made.

We are aware of the delicate role assumed by credit refunds in a vending company, for this reason we have decided to make them even more simple with Nebular, with two already set refund methods (Free sale and Remote Key top-up) and the possibility of checking the refund history at any time. In case of a non-sale it will be possible to send a refund directly from your own office, by associating it with a specific MyKey key that will receive it the next time it is inserted in the key reader: all of this is done without wasting time and without risk of errors due to cash management.

To monitor the performance of vending machines and increase the revenues, Nebular allows you to manage the product database through an intuitive planogram. This solution records transactions in real time for each product, it allows you to obtain a practical report on sales trends and, to give an even more accurate idea of the location trend, it makes available the download of a complete and customized report. Nebular is also compatible with the main ERPs used in the vending market: the Operator will find in real time all the data recorded in the same menus that he usually uses.

With Nebular new version, Coges has made even more smarter the famous MyKey key. Thanks to Nebular, it is now possible to view remotely and in real time the credit of each Key, as well as the history of all sales and top-ups made from each individual Key.

At the same time Nebular makes the peripherals for cash recognition smarter, incorporating the remote update of Unica change-giver coin databases, and the banknotes database of Creos and Lithos banknote readers, allowing the acceptance of new cash and preventing the fakes circulation.

Nebular is designed to offer more and more payment methods to final users: for this reason it includes an open payment platform that will also be able to integrate credit cards and apps belonging to third parties, in addition to the already supported Pay4Vend smartphone app. Enter a new era of vending management thanks to Nebular, the most complete and efficient connectivity solution on the market.

Discover Coges Engine with the new interactive brochure

Discover the full potential of the Coges Engine system with the new interactive brochure!

Download the new PDF brochure from here. The strenght of Coges lies in a dynamic and continuous relationship with its customers, a relationship based on collaboration and mutual growth that generates value for both and that is always able to create technological updates and new services. This allows us to design great payment systems for vending, always putting the customer at the center of our business. Coges Engine continues to be enriched with new functions and today it is the heart of an entire ecosystem for vending ranging from cashless payment to telemetry, from online product management to integration with smartphone apps.

For this reason we have decided to update our Coges Engine presentation and make it more interacive: all the main features of our electronic system are now connected to the Coges website and they can be deepened at your own discretion. Download the new PDF from the Coges Engine page and experiment all its features, click on the link buttons and build an information tailored to your needs.

The advantages of data audit in the Vending market

The Vending market is increasingly interested in the audit of vending machine accounting data. The modern legislative requirements in terms of accounting are combined with the interest in knowing the amount collected and the cash movements entering and leaving the vending machine. One of the aspect that most increase vending machine’s commercial capacities is in fact a deep knowledge of their current performance because it’s from here that all the margin for improvement can be identified and exploited and, in this way, it’s also possible to approach the most consolidated experience in the retail sector.

Starting from this topic, Coges has developed payment systems able to store all the accounting data. If the payment system is set as master in the vending machine configuration, it will also be able to store the data of all the connected payment peripherals such as banknotes readers, coins recognition devices and change-giver coin mechanism connected in MDB. All of these payment systems are completed with a wide range of accessories aimed at detecting and analyzing their data. Download the accounting data and integrate them in your ERP is easier and more efficient thanks to tools such as USB pendrive, BT Data-Key and the Nebular remote connectivity solution, which is able to increase the technological level of your location and to fully satisfy all your vending needs.

The collected data not only meets your accounting needs, but they provides important information on the most sold products, on the economic performance of various vending machine, on the best sales time and on many other details that will allow you to act exactly where you feel more appropriate to improve your sales opportunities and customer service: for example by reinforcing sales at times in which there’s more request or by changing shipper’s routine to always ensure a full stock in the most popular locations.

The management of your location will also be supported by a control able to detect any malfunctions. This will guarantee an effective and rapid intervention in case of need contribuiting, at the same time, to the reduction of lost sales. The costant check of your vending machines can translate itself into a potential increase of sales and allows you to have an accurate account of your stock products.

Coges is present at AVA’s 90th anniversary

Approaching the refined world of cafes to Vending has always been one of the most important added value in our sector. This year, taking the opportunity of AVA’s 90th anniversary, Coges wants to present its payment solutions able to make a big step in this direction. We will be present in partnership with Coffetek from 13 to 14 of June 2019 at the Hilton Metropole in London. Stay connected with our social channel and our website to receive new information about our range.

Be a part of Coges’ world with our social pages

Shortening the distances with our customers and sharing all our latest products and updates is one of Coges’ main goals. Your active participation can also effectively contribute to improve vending technologies because you use our products every day, you know them well and because you are able to identify the best way in which they can be improved.

For this reason our Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube pages are active, here we often share all our updates and we are ready to listen and respond to all your opinions. What better way to stay informed about our latest news? Visit tour pages and profiles, take a look at our latest posts, let us know your comments and be part of Coges’ world.

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