Coges grows with new managers

In recent months the Coges team has grown thanks to Ing. Alberto Conte, who was appointed Site Manager of the head office in Schio (Vi) in January 2016, and Ing. Andrea Zonelli, new Responsible of the Research & Development.

Alberto Conte has an experience of many years as Associate Partner IBM Global Business Services and as Operations Manager. As Site Manager, at Schio his task is to coordinate the different areas and offices that make up Coges, from R&D; to sales, from Customer Service to CRM, from Administration to Human Resources. Conte also has direct responsibility for the direction of the production plant and logistics, including the management of the establishment. He is therefore a key figure of the corporate management in the Azkoyen Group, which has among other things the authority and the mandate to give a powerful stimulus to staff throughout the company, involving in particular the area of directors and managers with whom he will work closely.
Among them, the Ing. Andrea Zonelli, which since last month of July is the new Responsible of the Research & Development Area. Andrea Zonelli graduated in Mechanical Engineering and in the last five years has been Technical Manager and Quality in a prestigious company in the vending industry, in which he spent most of his career. His arrival has the ambitious goal to further strengthen the technical area of Coges and coordinate our team of professionals who every day gives shape to the most innovative ideas and transforms them in the most advanced technological solutions for vending.
With Conte and Zonelli, Coges sees thus become its structure more robust and able to respond more efficiently to the challenges of the market, meet the needs of our customers and keep faith in Coges experience of quality and innovation.

ProdiaPlus rewards Pay4Vend for its innovation

Coges is proud to announce that Pay4Vend, our application for payment via smartphone, obtained in February a new important recognition by ProdiaPlus. The major French operator group, in fact, wanted to reward the solution of Coges with “Innovation Award” after an internal committee dedicated to payment systems had compared it with other proposals on the market.
Committee President M. Thomas Bertrand presented the award February 4, 2016 to our Commercial Director Mario Majo at the presence of the sales manager for France Stphane Metzger. The ceremony took place during the general assembly of ProdiaPlus group that was held inSaint-Priest (Lyon)and it was followed by a presentation of features and benefits that Pay4Vend brings to the vending management.

Pay4Vend is available on Google Play for Android smartphones and App Store for iPhones. The app allows loading a credit and purchasing very easily, even without telephone coverage. It not needs to equip the vending machine with telemetry or remote connection: Pay4Vend works anywhere and at any time. You can load it with cash at the vending machine or by credit cards and Paypal directly on the app. The advantage for the operator, besides the ability to provide a new payment method to their customers by using a tool as at hand as the smartphone, is the ability to use Pay4Vend to know the consuming habits of users and send them communications relating to new products, offers and promotions.

Coges would like to thank ProdiaPlus for the appreciation shown against Pay4Vend and for the recognition received, which gives an important signal of how the culture of cashless and interest in technological innovation are recognized as fundamental in the vending market. To learn more we invite you to discover Pay4Vend visiting the site for further information.

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